Getting Better Email Open Rates

Submitted by admin on Tue, 10/24/2023 - 16:18

We can measure the success of email campaigns by looking at how many people actually open the emails. If lots of people read the email, there's a better chance they will do what we want them to do. However, in order to do this, the readers need to be encouraged or excited about clicking on the link.

The first thing that catches the reader's attention is the subject line. This is the most important thing that should connect with the readers and make them want to open and read the email. The subject line of an email should be personalized based on what the recipient is interested in and other things that are important to them. Creativity requires making up words that inspire and motivate. The brand should have a strong presence and reputation, so that customers have high expectations for it. People who are supposed to receive emails should be expecting them. To make customers happy, the company should offer services or products that match what they want right now. People should know what they will find when they open the email. They should feel like they might miss something really important if they don't open it.

In addition to the subject line, the content of the newsletter is also very appealing. The information needs to be unique and interesting. If the email's content is available elsewhere, customers might choose not to open the email and instead opt for the unique content. The information in the content should be valuable for the readers to use. This can focus on the free deal, or the large price reduction.

One more thing that makes the reader want to open the email is how they are connected to the company. Email readers can be grouped into different types. They may not buy things regularly, they could be potential customers, people who want lots of information, or current customers. How they decided to subscribe and why can give us a good idea about what they're interested in. Did they find the website by searching on a search engine or did they sign up while purchasing products. People who actively looked for information and then signed up for emails are more likely to open the email, compared to those who signed up while buying a product and forgot to uncheck a box for signing up.

To be successful in emails, it's important to have a strong personality. If the CEO or marketing director sends the newsletter, more people will be interested in reading it, and the number of people opening the email will increase right away. The list of email contacts should be very good and kept in good condition all the time. In simpler terms, we need to focus on growing our email list with people who are likely to open and act upon the emails. Usually, list members who have been around for a while stop participating. So, the list needs to be separated by how old customers are and the ones who haven't been active must be given a good offer to get them to start using our services again.
How often you send mail is really important. Sending too many emails too often can actually hurt your email open rates because it can annoy the recipients. On the other hand, sending emails too rarely can also be a problem because then the recipients may not remember who you are.

 The timing of sending is also important. Try out different times and days to figure out which time is best for each type of audience. We should also think about the time of the year. During the summer, people tend to check their emails less often. This leads to a decrease in the number of times emails are opened. During the holiday season, commercial emails have a higher chance of being opened, while information-oriented emails and newsletters are less likely to be opened. Every day, more and more legitimate emails that people have agreed to receive are getting stuck in spam filters. Even though it says the message was delivered, the person who is supposed to receive the email will not see it. We should be careful not to use certain words and symbols that can trigger spam filters.

The main point is to do each job really well in order to get more people to open your emails. For email newsletters, you can get about 60% of people opening the emails. For commercial emails, about 40% of people will open them.